Informacje o kolorze
Biblioteka kolorystyczna przedstawia tynki i farby z oferty Ceresit. Z uwagi na techniki cyfrowe oraz indywidualne ustawienia monitora prezentowane kolory ze wszystkich linii mogą nieznacznie odbiegać od rzeczywistych. Zalecamy sprawdzenie koloru na wzorniku.
LRV (HBW) - light reflection coefficient (the percentage of visible radiation reflected from the surface). The LRV covers the range of visible light. To secure long-lasting durability of the façade and to prevent excessive heating of the surface, it is recommended to use finish coats (plasters & paints) with a light reflection value of HBW ≥ 20 and a total solar reflection value of TSR ≥ 20. If one of the factors is lower than 20, please contact the TCS Dept. to find a customized solution.
TSR - total solar energy reflectance (percentage of solar radiation reflected from the surface in the full range). This factor relates to light waves in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared ranges. To secure long-lasting durability of the façade and to prevent excessive heating of the surface, it is recommended to use finish coats (plasters & paints) with a light reflection value of HBW ≥ 20 and a total solar reflection value of TSR ≥ 20. If one of the factors is lower than 20 please contact the TCS Dept. to find a customized solution.
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